Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The magic bear: Starphyre's adventures

I awaken to sunlight pouring through the thin veil of cloth shielding me from exposure, my soulmate sleeping soundlessly beside me, his eyes peaceful, his body contorted into a strange position.

I think of getting up, going inside the wooden structure that is my house. I peer out, I feel something watching me.
And from above the tent flap, through the gossamer netting I see the source of my instinct, a towering chocolate brown beast with a yellow mask, (or is it his face) is peering down at me, he is paused. My heart races as realization dawns, and then he fades from my vision, leaving nothing but a gray tree, a dangling bunch of maple helicopters, and empty air. As my pulse winds down, excitement bursts into my heart.

I think of a bear! A magic one, with a yellow mask growing from his face, was he just passing by, and happened to see me? Who was this strange beast, watching me from above?


jojo said...

oh massive creature - you golden bear with an aura glowing flesh and blood. You watch over this pair, sensing the heat of warm love and sensitive knowing. Pierce the fine veil with your magnificent strength - just a fine and iridescent energy of your golden glow. This will give us what we need at this time.

Ganga Fondan said...

Imagination is the source of our strength and reveals so much. I love Jojo's comment too.

StarPhyre said...

Who said it came from my imagination? :)